The provided training data include image file raw 16 bits format and the detection list.
A detection list associated with the set of images which contains a list of information for the detected objects, in space delimited format with 16 columns and each row representing a single detection in one of the 4 original FITS images.
The columns are:
In [11]:
import pandas as pd
def onetofour(x):
return x[0],x[1],x[2],x[3]
names = ["id","det_num", "frame_num", "sex_num", "time", "RA", "DEC", "X", "Y", "mag", "FWHE", "Elong", "theta", "RMSE", "rejected"]
df = pd.read_csv("E:/Dai Hoc/Deep Learning/Near Object/hackspace-2016/data/det_files/01_12DEC03_N01014.det", header=None, names=names, delim_whitespace=True)
dfg = df.groupby('id',as_index=False).agg(lambda x: x.tolist())
new_names = ["RA", "DEC", "X", "Y", "mag", "FWHE", "Elong", "theta", "RMSE", "rejected"]
new_df = pd.DataFrame()
new_df['id'] = dfg['id']
for nn in new_names:
new_df[nn + '0'],new_df[nn + '1'],new_df[nn + '2'],new_df[nn + '3'] = zip(*dfg[nn].map(onetofour))
# new_df['rejected'] = zip(*dfg['rejected'].map(onebyone))
new_df.drop(['rejected1','rejected2','rejected3'], axis=1, inplace=True)
In [4]:
import glob
import os
import pandas as pd
from IPython.display import display, HTML
DIR = "E:/Dai Hoc/Deep Learning/Near Object/hackspace-2016/data/det_files/"
OUT_DIR = "E:/Dai Hoc/Deep Learning/Near Object/hackspace-2016/data/det_training_files/"
names = glob.glob(DIR + "*.det")
header = ["id", "det_num", "frame_num", "sex_num", "time", "RA", "DEC", "X", "Y", "mag", "FWHE", "Elong", "theta", "RMSE", "rejected"]
new_names = ["RA", "DEC", "X", "Y", "mag", "FWHE", "Elong", "theta", "RMSE", "rejected"]
training_input = []
if not os.path.exists(OUT_DIR):
for name in names:
df = pd.read_csv(name, header=None, names=header, delim_whitespace=True)
if df.empty:
dfg = df.groupby('id',as_index=False).agg(lambda x: x.tolist())
new_df = pd.DataFrame()
new_df['id'] = dfg['id']
for nn in new_names:
new_df[nn + '0'],new_df[nn + '1'],new_df[nn + '2'],new_df[nn + '3'] = zip(*dfg[nn].map(onetofour))
# new_df['rejected'] = zip(*dfg['rejected'].map(onebyone))
new_df.drop(['rejected1','rejected2','rejected3'], axis=1, inplace=True)
pathOutput = OUT_DIR + name[len(DIR):]
new_df.to_csv(pathOutput, header=None, sep=' ')
In [10]:
from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingClassifier
from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split
training_data = pd.concat(training_input)
Y = training_data['rejected0']
Y = Y.as_matrix()
training_data.drop(['id', 'rejected0'], axis=1, inplace=True)
X = training_data.as_matrix()
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, Y, test_size = 0.3, random_state = 42)
# fit estimator
est = GradientBoostingClassifier(n_estimators=200, max_depth=3), y_train)
# predict class labels
pred = est.predict(X_test)
# score on test data (accuracy)
acc = est.score(X_test, y_test)
print('ACC: %.4f' % acc)
# predict class probabilities
In [9]:
from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB
from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split
training_data = pd.concat(training_input)
training_data.to_csv("test.csv", header=None, sep=' ')
Y = training_data['rejected0']
Y = Y.as_matrix()
training_data.drop(['id', 'rejected0'], axis=1, inplace=True)
X = training_data.as_matrix()
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, Y, test_size = 0.3, random_state = 42)
gnb = GaussianNB()
y_pred =, y_train).predict(X_test)
print (y_test != y_pred).sum()
print (y_test == y_pred).sum()